CSU Teacher Credential Program Completer Survey

Be assured that your name and email address will be kept separate when sharing survey results to administrators at your university. The survey data are reported to your university only in aggregate form or in a manner that does not identify information about an individual.

Designated researchers at the CSU Educator Quality Center (EdQ) will be able to link your responses to your personal identification information for the sole purpose of producing aggregate evaluation reports. We will not sell, rent or exchange any personal information supplied by you to any third party, except the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). Nor will we use any of the information you provide for direct marketing or other non-research activities.

EdQ will provide your survey responses, linked to your Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID), to the CTC as part of the teaching credential application process. The CTC has committed to using this information only to link survey data with other data the CTC collects such as student demographic information and program characteristics, in order to inform state policy discussions.

If you have questions about how your responses will be used, you may contact Paul Tuss, EdQ Director (ptuss@calstate.edu). Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. Your responses help us to assess the quality of and improve teacher preparation in the CSU.

I have read and understand the above confidentiality statement.
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